Tuesday, June 22, 2010

ABC Wednesday - W

A Wide expanse of Water and sky off Bandra in Mumbai.
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Monday, June 21, 2010


St. Andrew's Church stands on the sea-shore at Bandra on the site of a church of the same name, which was built in 1575 (According to the old Gazetteer of Thana District this church was built in 1575 while the Jesuit Report of 1669, refers to St. Andrew's church being built later than that of St. Anne. This report also mentions that the parish of St. Andrew was formed in 1616 since the parish of St. Anne had grown unwieldy and, therefore, an independent parish had to be formed at St. Andrew's to serve the needs of the neighbouring villages.) by the Rev. F. Manuel Gomes, the apostle of Salsette, the superior of the college of the Holy name at Vasai (Bassein). By 1588 Gomes had made 4,000 converts and by 1591 the number had risen to 6,000. Upto 1620 St. Andrew's was the only church at Bandra. Formerly the Church's door was at the west end and opened on the sea-shore. The entrance to the present church which was rebuilt in 1864, is at the east which presents the usually, quaintly ornamented face. The bare walls are surmounted by a steep tiled roof with bell towers at each side, and a figure of St. Andrew stands over the central door.
Information sourced from Maharashtra State Gazetteers

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Monochrome mania

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The Mumbai moon as seen on 17jun10 at 10:53pm

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Camera critters

Keeping a lookout at Lands end in Bandra is this stray mongrel.
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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday Photohunt -Six(6)

Six crows deciding not to let the 7th one in on Sion Fort in Mumbai!
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Friday, June 18, 2010

Skywatch Friday

The Mumbai sky as seen on 17jun10 at 7:17pm.
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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday Challenge - "METALLIC" (Metal, Shiny, Mirror, Clothes, Cars, Jewelry,...)

A 'scrapture' as the sculptor Arzan Khambatta calls his work made out of scrap metal. This is at a busy traffic junction in Worli (Central Mumbai). This is what the sculptor has to say about this work - My most challenging project has been the Dolphins at Worli traffic island. I had just shifted into my new Sewri workshop, when a client came to with a proposition to create the sculpture in a time of 15 days. I was excited about doing a sculpture for a traffic island but daunted by the time restrains. I took up the challenge. I did the drawing in front of the client by noon the cardboard cut outs of the Dolphins were read. The next challenge was to get workers, since I did not have all the machines and equipment that I have today. Besides steel is a completely different medium.
The client had told me that if I am unable to meet the deadline I would not be paid. So my entire family came out to support me. My wife and kids slept at the studio and we worked continuously day and night until it was completed in a period of 13 days. Not only did I surprise the client and all my friends and well wishers, I surprised myself.

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