Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday Challenge - Fire & CDP theme - Perspective

All fired up for the aarti - A religious Perspective!

Aarti (Hindi आरती), also spelled arathi, aarthi (from the Sanskrit term Aaraatrik) is a Hindu religious ritual of worship, a form of puja, in which light from wicks soaked in ghee (purified butter) or camphor is offered to one or more deities. Aartis also refer to the songs sung in praise of the deity, when offering of lamps is being offered.

To view images on this theme from around the world or to participate in this challenge please click here

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

ABC Wednesday - G

Grey skies in Khar, Mumbai.

To view images from around the world on this theme or to participate in this fabulous meme please click here

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Our World Tuesday

Heeding the muezzin's call the faithful gather at various levels to pray in Bandra(East),Mumbai.

To view images from around the world or to participate in this fabulous meme please click here

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monochrome mania

Mumbai monsoons monochromed

To view classic monochromes from around the world or to participate in this classic meme please click here

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Camera Critters

Acrobatic butterfly in the Mahim Nature Park, Mumbai.

To see critters from around the world or to participate in this fabulous meme please click here

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday Photohunt - Symbolic

This image is Symbolic of amazing nature in the Mahim Nature Park, Mumbai.

To view images on this theme from around the world or to participate in this Photohunt please click here

Friday, August 26, 2011

Skywatch friday

The grey Mumbai sky last evening.

To view images from around the world on this theme or to participate in this fabulous meme please click here