Friday, August 20, 2010

Skywatch Friday

The Mumbai monsoon sky.
To view skies from around the world or to participate in this beautiful meme please click here

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday Challenge - CREATIVITY (Art, Music, Writing, Photography, Architecture, Handicraft,...)

An avid photographer at the Bandra fort trying to capture the ambiance.
To view images on this theme from around the world or to participate in this wonderful meme please click here

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

ABC Wednesday - E for Erosion

Eroded pillar at the Vasai Fort.
To view images from around the world on this theme or to participate in this wonderful meme please click here

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


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A lovely place on the Bandra Fort where one can sit and meditate for hours looking at the Arabian Sea.
To view images from around the world or to participate in this wonderful meme please click here

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monochrome mania

The fantastic Indiblogger team that hosted a superb Mumbai meet on Independence Day at the Sea Princess. Since the Indibloggers wear Black Tees, I thought a Black and White image would suit them the best!
To view Monochromatic classics from around the world or to participate in this fantastic meme please click here

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy Birthday India!!

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Today is our Independence day. 63years of Independence!
Pictured above is the evolution of our National Flag from 1906 to 1947. Clicked it in Mani Bhavan. The 1st flag was designed in 1906 followed by 1907,1917,1921, twice in 1931 and finally in 27jul, 1947.
Heres wishing all Indians a very Happy Independence Day and a super year ahead!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday Photo hunt - Orange

A lamp stand outside a temple in the Vasai fort.
To see images from around the world on this theme or to participate in this wonderful meme please click here

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Skywatch Friday

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The Mumbai sky as seen on 08aug10 at 6:53pm
To view skies from around the world or to participate in this fabulous meme please click here