Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Water logging...

After the celestial fireworks it poured continously leading to water logging in several places. The water receded after about 3 hours. The stormy weather was due to a depression in the Bay of Bengal.


  1. That's a lot of water. You weren't kidding when you said you had the opposite problem to a drought.

  2. That is a lot of rain water. I wish we had sn inch of it. We are dry here in Ohio.

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  3. Thats a nice street scene, the kids are really enjoying in the background. Here in Calcutta also its raining quite heavily in occasions & the same perennial problem of water logging...well captured shot!

  4. We know well how you feel -- please spare a thought for the people of Sheffield

  5. yeeeeee, i love rainy season.
    thank you for sharing this pic.
