Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bird feed

Outside the Gateway of India, this guy sits selling bird feed to passers by who wish to feed the pigeons. Some people do it because their religion demands it and some for the novelty of it and then there are those who do it for the love of birds! The end result is happiness for the birds, feeders and of course the seller!


  1. glad to hear that some people do happy things to make other people happy

    in hania, if the illegal foreigners were moved away, the town would simply die - the locals shy away from the labour they once performed due to lack of anyone else to do it- now we have cheap labour to do it for us

  2. hi love the photo love the ways the birds just stay still

  3. That's a great photo. You wouldn't catch me anywhere near there though - I can't stand pigeons! (must be because I used to be a Londoner!)

  4. voilĂ , je fais une phobie sur les pigeons. On en a plein a Evry et ils entrent dans les appartements.

    Then, I make a phobia about pigeons. It was a full Evry and they enter the apartments..

  5. Great photo. They stopped the feeding of pigeons in Trafalgar Square, London due to the bird mess!

  6. Wow thats a whole lot of pigeons, I'v been feeding birds in my house and have some pictures will be posting on lahore daily.

  7. very nice photo. i guess those pigeons look forward to the people coming around!

  8. hi love the photo love the ways the birds just stay still

  9. very nice photo. i guess those pigeons look forward to the people coming around!
