Sunday, September 28, 2008

Camera Critters - Squirrels

These squirrels keep rambling up and down all day nibbling at plants and whatever else they can lay their tiny paws on.

For more cutie camera critters click here


  1. They are EVERYWHERE!!!! These are so cute - with a stripe on their backs. We have some that live in the trees of our townhome complex & love to run on the edge of the tennis court fence. Ours eat a lot of pine cones - probably the pine nuts/seeds.

  2. There are no squirrels here so I could say they're adorable, but for sure they can be a bit nuisance.

    My Critter is posted here. Happy weekends!

  3. They look like chipmunk squirrel hybrids!

  4. My first thought was 'they are everywhere'! I had a friend who called them tree rats - but they are very appealing.

  5. I had one just like those at home :)

  6. Oh no to me this are adorable. Excellent capture.

  7. where are they seems to be inside sandy

  8. Well, you can get away with a lot of unauthorized nibbling when you're that cute. They do look a lot like chipmunks, I agree with
    b13 - maybe a new species - "chip squirrels"? Thanks for the smile!

  9. I think they could be chipmunks too :)
    Whatever they are they are cuties!

  10. "Louis's" wife tells him 'there's one of your brothers' everytime she sees a squirrel. (She seems to forget that "Louis" is une vache....)

  11. They are so cute! I love squirrels.

  12. I don't see squirrels like this, so to me they just look so sweet, cute and adorable! Great pic!

  13. They are so cute, when they are someone else's problem. We have too many in our yard and I'm rather sick of them.

  14. They don't look anything like our tree squirrels..but cute and they are pesty...

  15. The stripe on their backs resemble the Chipmunks which we have in our area. Nice critters!

  16. We have the Golden-mantle Ground Squirrel here which is the most common squirrel I see. It looks very much like the ones pictured here. They sure can be fun to watch.
