Friday, November 1, 2019

Identity crisis

A brown kite (called a black kite) watching a brown building. Wonder why it is called a black kite when it is brown,

To view images of the CDP Theme day from all over the world click here

For more Skywatch pictures around the world click here


  1. Hari OM
    It is simply because when watching them in the sky, they appear black. They are actually very beautiful, with lots of different shades of brown. YAM xx

  2. ...and I didn't know that it was a kite of any color!

  3. Looks like a hawk to me. One that is lost in his thoughts...

  4. It is that your blog is called Mumbai daily because you can't see it on the photo. The bird is a different story. Nice.

  5. I didn't know it was a kite either but I like this photo. Nicely composed!

  6. Brown bird looking at brown - perfect!

  7. Ditto what your first commenter said Deepak, it is a lovely little visitor and perfect for the theme 💛
