Wednesday, June 30, 2021


Bought some Jamuns yesterday. It is the season for Jamuns now. It is fleshy and has a seed like berries. It is slightly sweet and sour, and colours your tongue purple. 😀

Syzygium cumini, commonly known as Malabar plum, Java plum, black plum, jamun or jambolan, is an evergreen tropical tree in the flowering plant family Myrtaceae, and favored for its fruit, timber, and ornamental value. It is native to the Indian Subcontinent, adjoining regions of Southeast Asia, including Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and the Andaman Islands. It can reach heights of up to 30 metres and can live more than 100 years. A rapidly growing plant, it is considered an invasive species in many world regions. The Jamun fruit is not only known for its nutritional value but also it is a powerhouse of several health benefits. 


  1. I Will Turn The Home Made Ice Cream As An Offering To Share


  2. I've never heard of these but I'd try them.

  3. Saw the fruit for the first time. My first impresssion was cherry. Very interesting to read more about a native fruit like Jamun. Thankyou !!

  4. Sounds interesting, think we don´t have this here - enjoy!

  5. Very interesting but totally alien to me.

  6. That is now fruit that never reach our kitchens.

  7. At first I thought they were cherries too. I never heard of these before but would try them.

  8. on the first glance, I thought they were cherries. never heard of, let alone tasted this fruit.

  9. That's a new one for me! They do look like cherries :)

    Your link this week at 'My Corner of the World' is appreciated!
