Thursday, April 27, 2023

In brief

Skinning sugarcane clad in a vest in front of an ad for vests/undergarments. The sugarcane is skinned prior to extracting its juice. Its a popular streetside drink in summer.

Linking to Tom's Signs2


  1. ...this looks like a labor intensive treat.

  2. It is nostalgic for a Hawaii person to see sugar cane. I remember fields of it and big trucks loaded with it and the fires on the fields. That has dwindled in my time in the islands and is now nostalgic end of another time 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  3. Hari OM
    Semi-nakedness of all sorts on the streets! YAM xx

  4. Good street photography again.

  5. No hay mejor coincidencia, de lo que anuncia ese cartel y la vista de este señor.
    está al sol y debe de hacer ya calor.
