Flowers on the wall in Vile Parle to celebrate spring!
Linking to Monday murals
Tabebuia rosea, also called pink poui, and rosy trumpet tree
in the Bandra Kurla Complex in full bloom.
Tabebuia has pink flowers and is known as 'Cherry Bloosoms
of Penang' as these pink flowers resemble Japan's cherry blossom. But they are
in actual not cherry blossom.
Rangoli is an art form wherein designs are made on the floor, generally at the entrance of homes, especially during festivals, using coloured powder or flowers.
The one above is made using coloured powder and the one below is made with flowers.
A sign that there is an ongoing festival!
Linking to Tom's Signs2
Pink blooms line the street of the Bandra Kurla Complex in Bandra east.
Tabebuia rosea, also called pink poui, and rosy trumpet tree
is a neotropical tree that grows up to 30 m and can reach a diameter at breast
height of up to 100 cm. The Spanish name roble de sabana, meaning
"savannah oak", is widely used in Costa Rica, probably because it
often remains in heavily deforested areas and because of the resemblance of its
wood to that of oak trees. It is the national tree of El Salvador, where it is
called "Maquilíshuat"
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A profusion of yellow flowers on the trees and the street in the Bandra Kurla Complex,
Peltophorum pterocarpum (commonly known as copperpod,
yellow-flamboyant, yellow flametree, yellow poinciana or yellow-flame) is a
species of Peltophorum, native to tropical southeastern Asia and a popular
ornamental tree grown around the world. Wikipedia
Peltophorum pterocarpum commonly known as copperpod, yellow-flamboyant, yellow flametree, yellow poinciana or yellow-flame is a species of Peltophorum, native to tropical southeastern Asia and a popular ornamental tree grown around the world. Wikipedia
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