Monday, February 4, 2013

Monochrome mania

Royal Enfield Riders at Bandra

To view classic monochromes from around the world or to participate in this classic meme please click here 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Camera critters

A wader at the Sewri mudflats

To see critters from around the world or to participate in this fabulous meme please click here

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Saturday Photohunt - 'Looking out of your window' and 'Daub'

A Daub of red on the red vented bulbul Outside my window.

To view images on these themes from around the world or to participate in this Photohunt please click here and 

Friday, February 1, 2013

CDP Theme day - 'Umbrella' and Skywatch friday

Clear sky off Carter Road, Bandra, Mumbai.
Umbrella used to ward off the sunrays.

To view images from around the world on this theme or to participate in this fabulous meme please click here 

To view images from around the world on the CDP Theme day click here

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday Challenge - Water

Lesser flamingos foraging for algae in the Sewree backwaters.

To view images on this theme from around the world or to participate in this challenge please click here

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

ABC Wednesday - C

Centaur at the Royal Enfield Republic day ride at Carter Road, Bandra

To view images from around the world on this theme or to participate in this fabulous meme please click here

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Our world

Aligned on the right are Royal Enfield Bullets for the Republic Day ride while the little boy sells paper flags to earn some money and the rest of Bandra carries on living.

To view images from around the world or to participate in this fabulous meme please click here

Monday, January 28, 2013

Monochrome mania

The flight at Sewri

To view classic monochromes from around the world or to participate in this classic meme please click here