Monday, February 20, 2023

Wall art

A beautiful mural by Paola Delfin at the Mumbai Urban Art Festival in Sassoon docks. 

Paola Delfín Gaytán is a Mexican painter and self-taught muralist belonging to the post-graffiti generation, a current urban art that is characterized by the use of various techniques (templates, posters, stickers, murals, graffiti ...).

Her work can be found in cities in Mexico, Germany, China, United Kingdom, Holland, Poland, Spain, Italy, Ukraine, Romania, Puerto Rico, Peru, Colombia and Cuba. Ref Wikipedia.

Linking to Monday murals 

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Friday, February 17, 2023


Jupiter (above) and Venus (below) have been putting on a display every evening since about a week now. 

Linking to Skywatch Friday

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Poetry on the wall

An anti caste system poem written by Shripad Sinnakaar raising the questions of mobility, migration and reservation for the Dalits. The mural depicting the poem was brought to life by Tariq Ali and Arif Alam Khan, at the Mumbai Urban Art Festival. A sign of social change.

Linking to Tom's Signs2

Wednesday, February 15, 2023


A fish vendor selling Bombay duck popularly known as Bombil outside the Sassoon docks. To know more about this delicacy and how it got its name click here

Linking to My corner of the world. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


A celebration of Urban art in Mumbai at the Sassoon docks.

Linking to a blog hop here