The skywalk connecting the Bandra Railway Station to the Bandra Kurla Complex nearing completion. This will definitely make life easier for all those pedestrians who use this route on a daily basis.
Clawing of the earth for resurfacing the road in the Bandra Kurla Complex, before the monsoons to prevent pothole formation and ensuring a smooth ride for all!
This bar is on the road to the International airport in Mumbai. Till a few years back it was a small little joint frequented by quite a few airport staff on their way home after a tiring day's or night's work. Apparently they have contributed a lot to the success of their fave bar!
Display of energy, late evening, on the facade of the new building of 'Reliance Energy' - the company that provides electricity to the western suburbs of Mumbai. This building is in Bandra (East), a suburb of Mumbai.
There is a Golden Carpet every morning during summer when the road is covered with the peltophorum flowers. This is on a street in Bandra (East), a laid back suburb of Mumbai