Wednesday, May 6, 2009

ABC Wednesday - P for Pao

This is the ubiquitious pao of Mumbai. A fast food mainstay to be eaten with a lot of savories or in the old Irani restaurants would be eaten with a dollop of butter and chai.
To view more P pictures from around the world please click 
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

That's my world

That is my world - Mumbai - a city full of sharp contrasts. Slums amid buildings. Trees amidst concrete. A result of overcrowding, poverty and success. A city throbbing with opportunities.
To view fascinating pictures from around the world please click here
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Monday, May 4, 2009

Monochrome Maniacs

Navi Mumbai (New Mumbai) an extension of Mumbai - a city that was built to decongest Mumbai.
To view Monchrome classics from around the world please click here
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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Camera Critters

This cute little bird came and sang for me yesterday. Unfortunatley I could not get a very clear picture. Please excuse the blur. Am not a birder so do not know the name. It has a fan tail and trills beautifully. 
To view critters from around the world please click here
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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Saturday Photohunt - Walking

Walking - sometimes faster than travelling by motorized vehicles. This is on a holiday when there are lesser people commuting, on the station road in Santacruz (East).
To view more 'walking' pictures please click here
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Friday, May 1, 2009

Skywatch Friday

The Mumbai sky as seen on 14Apr09 at 1844hrs.
To view skies from around the world please click here
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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday Challenge - Communication

Lot of Communication equipment atop buildings in Mumbai.
To view Communication means from over the world please click here
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